25-Year Evaluation of an In-Person Therapeutic Community Program in the Southwest United States between 1994 and 2019


Wiese Amanda L.1,Sease Thomas B.1,Knight Kevin1


1. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, USA


This study investigated the effect of therapeutic community programming and aftercare treatment completion on rearrest rates in the Southwest United States across 25 years. The asymptote of rearrest trajectories did not occur until 10 years post-release, although this varied by risk classification. Treatment receipt was not related to 25-year rearrest trajectories. However, people classified as higher risk were more likely to be rearrested than those classified a low risk while controlling for treatment receipt. Aftercare completion extended the time to arrest; individuals completing an aftercare program were less likely to be arrested, and high-risk participants that completed aftercare showed a similar rearrest trajectory as low-risk participants.


SAGE Publications

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