The Málaga urban dataset: High-rate stereo and LiDAR in a realistic urban scenario


Blanco-Claraco José-Luis1,Moreno-Dueñas Francisco-Ángel2,González-Jiménez Javier2


1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Almería, Spain

2. Department of System Engineering and Automation, University of Málaga, Spain


This paper introduces a dataset gathered entirely in urban scenarios with a car equipped with one stereo camera and five laser scanners, among other sensors. One distinctive feature of the present dataset is the existence of high-resolution stereo images grabbed at a high rate (20 fps) during a 36.8 km trajectory, which allows the benchmarking of a variety of computer vision techniques. We describe the sensors employed and highlight some applications which could be benchmarked using the present work. Both plain text and binary files are provided, as well as open-source tools for working with the binary versions. The dataset is available for download at .


SAGE Publications


Applied Mathematics,Artificial Intelligence,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Modelling and Simulation,Software

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