1. Faculty of Physiotherapy. University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics, availability, quality and reliability of the information found in educational videos about dyspareunia. Methods: A systematic search was carried out on YouTube searching for educational videos about dyspareunia. Video quality scores were assessed with the DISCERN instrument, Global Quality Scale (GQS) and QUEST tool. Video popularity was evaluated with the Video Power Index (VPI). Interobserver agreement and statistical correlations of the assessment scores were also carried out. Results: The first 150 videos that appeared were selected. The mean number of views was 35,513.1 views (SD 71,443.9), the mean video length was 05:39 (SD 04:38), the mean days online was 1,396.3 days (SD 706), the mean view ratio was 29.8 (SD 68.1), the mean Like count was 333 likes (SD 1000.6), the mean Dislike count was 13 dislikes (SD 25.3) and the mean VPI Index was 92.1% (SD 16.4%). The mean values for the DISCERN instrument were for Observer-1 40.9 points (SD 9.9) and for Observer-2 39.3 points (SD 8.5). Mean values for the GQS score were for Observer-1 3.1 points (SD 0.9) and for Observer-2 3.0 points (SD 0.8). Finally, mean values for the QUEST tool were for Observer-1 13.3 points (SD 4.1) and for Observer-2 13.1 points (SD 4.2). Conclusions: The quality of the videos found on YouTube about dyspareunia, according to DISCERN, GQS, and QUEST scores, are average. Videos with high quality scores were produced by Academic Institutions, despite having lower frequency visit rates.