1. Haemato-oncology Section, Division of Cancer Sciences and Molecular Pathology, Level 3, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Department of Haematology, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road, Edinburgh
The management of CML has recently become increasingly complex. The Scotland Leukaemia Registry (SLR) sent questionnaires to all 26 Scottish haematology units, of which 18 (69%) responded. From January 1999 to December 2000, 64 new cases of CML were identified by the audit (incidence 0.64/100,00/yr), of which 46 were registered with the SLR. At diagnosis, all 18 units combined bone marrow examination with cytogenetics/FISH, but only 13 performed RT-PCR. Of four units that calculated the Hasford Score, only two used it to inform clinical decisions. 52% of patients entered clinical trials, 57% involving imatinib mesylate (IM). Of the 23 patients who were tissue typed, suitable donors were found for 18, 11 sibling, and 7 unrelated, representing 28% of the total patient population. Only 13/64 patients (20%) did not have a BMT donor identified or enter a clinical trial. Although 38% of units would consider reduced intensity allografting in patients > 60 years, no centres currently routinely tissue-type such patients. For first line therapy 56% of patients received hydroxyurea +/- interferon. Of the newer agents, 83% of units believed imatinib mesylate should be reserved for clinical trials, 83% would consider using oral ara-C and 89% pegylated-interferon.
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17 articles.