1. Cushing H. The Life of Sir William Osier, (for an example of Osier's oratory when he berated Baltimore's mayor): Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1925: vol. 1; 570.
2. Smith FB. The Retreat of Tuberculosis, 1850–1950. Beckenham, Kent: Croom Helm, 1988; 167–211.
3. Cathcart EP. Committee on Scottish Health Services Report, Edinburgh: HMSO, 1936; 381 Cathcart noted an overall fall in the death rate from tuberculosis from 1911 to 1931 but it remained the commonest cause of death by far in young people. The annual death toll in the early 1930s was 444 children under five, and 1238 aged between five and 25, a significant proportion of which was due to bovine infection.