The fluorescent carbocyanine dye DiI can be used for retrograde and anterograde labeling of neuronal pathways. To investigate the possible neurochemical identity of DiI-labeled neuronal cell bodies and terminals, we used a procedure for double-labeling of the same tissue with antisera to specific neuroactive substances. This procedure involves visualizing the immunohistochemical label with an FITC-conjugated secondary antiserum. Both labels can be viewed in the same tissue by fluorescence microscopy, and individual cell bodies and processes double-labeled with DiI and antiserum can be identified by switching between filter sets appropriate for rhodamine (to see the DiI labeling) and for fluorescein (to see the immunhistochemical labeling). The method has been used with primary antisera to excitatory and inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitters, as well as to neuropeptides, and is likely to be useful with antibodies against a wide variety of substances. Several other immunocytochemical methods were found to be incompatible with DiI labeling.
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