1. Faculté de droit, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
2. Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université Laval, Canada
This article identifies and problematizes the institutional and epistemological issues of the study of religion in Quebec. Its thesis is the unfinished foundation of the discipline that is primarily devoted to it, the social sciences of religion. The first section traces the institutional evolution of the field of study of religion in Quebec, from theology to the social sciences of religion, from faculties and departments to centers and institutes. The second section measures the progress made in the social sciences of religion since the first programs and assessments devoted to it. The authors note a growing difficulty in understanding the religion of the “center”, that of the majority of Quebecers. The third section deepens this point by drawing up a panorama of the main religious trends observed in contemporary social sciences of religions. Three related trends are identified: advanced secularization, increasing diversity and the unexpected survival of religion. In conclusion, the authors argue for the consolidation of the social sciences of religion in Quebec.