1. Mary Law, M.Sc., O.T.(C) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy and the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University and Research Manager, Occupational Therapy, Che doke-McMaster Hospitals, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5.
2. Sue Baptiste, M.H.Sc., O.T.(C) is Director, Occupational Therapy, Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals and Assistant Clinical Professor in the School of Occupational Therapy andPhysiotherapy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.
3. MaryAnn McColl, M.HSc., O.T.(C) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Toronto and Director of Research, Lyndhurst Hospital, Toronto, Ontario.
4. Anne Opzoomer, M.Sc., O.T.(C) is an Assistant Professor in the Programme in Occupational Therapy, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario.
5. Helene Polatajko, Ph.D., O.T.(C) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy and the Faculty of Education, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.
6. Nancy Pollock, M.Sc., O.T.(C) is a Research Clinician in the Occupational Therapy Department, Chedoke-McMas-ter Hospitals, Hamilton, Ontario.