Examining arts and creativity in later life and its impact on older people’s health and wellbeing: a systematic review of the evidence


McQuade Laura1ORCID,O’Sullivan Roger23


1. Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Gloucester Street, Belfast, UK

2. Institute of Public Health in Ireland, 6th Floor, City Exchange, Gloucester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JH, UK

3. Bamford Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Ulster University, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, UK


Aim:There is a growing recognition of the contribution that participation in group-based arts and creativity interventions makes to our health and wellbeing. Despite this acknowledgement, more empirical investigation is required to more fully understand its impact. The aim of this mixed-method systematic review was to develop a better understanding of the evidence on the impact of arts and creativity on older people’s physical and psychological health and wellbeing.Method:Extensive searches of 14 electronic bibliographic databases were carried out using predefined search criteria for the period 2013–2020. Ninety-three studies were included within the review and appraised using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT).Results:Dance was the most common form of arts identified within studies, followed by music and singing. Dance was associated with improved balance, lower body physical strength, flexibility, and aerobic fitness in older adults. Promising evidence showed that music and singing on a regular basis were associated with improved cognitive function, quality of life, affective states and a sense of wellbeing in older adults. Preliminary evidence showed that visual and creative arts were associated with reduced feelings of loneliness, improved sense of community and social connectedness. Initial evidence showed that theatre and drama were associated with emotional wellbeing; however, more evidence is required in this area.Conclusion:The evidence shows that participation in group-based arts and creativity can have positive physical, mental, and social health impacts for older adults, ageing and for population health. These findings support the importance of participation in the arts for older adults, especially for the promotion of positive health and for the prevention, or mitigation, of ill health in later life for both public health and the arts and creativity agenda.


SAGE Publications


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

Reference113 articles.

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