1. Chapman University in Orange, California
The education of speech—language pathologists (SLPs) in the United Kingdom and Ireland has many parallels with the university programs in the United States. A comparison of the two also reveals several differences. I know several SLPs who have moved to Ireland to assume excellent positions; furthermore, I recently met three other professionals who have relocated from Ireland to California to work in the schools and hospitals there. Thus, it is important to understand educational programs beyond our borders. This interview with Sister Marie de Monfort Supple of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, provides such an opportunity. I met Sister Marie in 1995 at the International Association of Logopedics and Phonetrics (IALP) Conference in Cairo, Egypt. She has been a dynamic international leader in speech—language pathology issues for several decades and is often present at ASHA conferences. I have visited Trinity College twice and hold my colleagues there in high esteem. In this interview, Sister Marie offers a thoughtful review of the educational process in the UK and Ireland.
Speech and Hearing,Linguistics and Language