1. Bloch, M.N. (1987) `Becoming Scientific and Professional: Critical Perspectives on the History of Early Childhood Education and Care', in T.S. Popkewitz (ed.) The Formation of School Subjects, pp. 21—62. London: Falmer Press.
2. Bloch, M.N. (1991) `Critical Perspectives on the Historical Relationships between Child Development and Early Childhood Education', in E. B. Swadener and S. Kessler (special issue eds) `Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education', Early Education and Child Development. Also in 1992, under the same title, in S. Kessler and E. B. Swadener (eds) Reconceptualizing the Early Childhood Curriculum: Beginning the Dialogue, pp. 1—20. New York: Teachers College Press.
3. Bloch, M.N. (1998) `Cross-cultural Contexts of Mothering and Child Care: Linking the Personal and the Professional', in M. Hauser and J. Jipson (eds) Intersections: Feminisms and Early Childhoods, pp. 303—23. New York: Peter Lang.