1. From the Animal Dental Center, 1209 Cromwell Bridge Road, Towson, MD, 21286
Medical records of patients with a histopathological diagnosis of oral osteoma were reviewed for information on signalment, body weight, history, clinical signs, physical examination and diagnostic imaging findings, surgical procedure performed, and histopathologic characteristics. Clinical signs related to the mass were noted in 2 dogs. One mass was documented to have been present for > 3-years, 3 of the masses were noted on physical examination, and 2 masses were noted during professional scaling and survey intraoral radiographs. All six masses had radiographic signs of bone proliferation without bone lysis. One case had radiographic root resorption of adjacent dentition. Four of the masses were classified as central osteoma and 2 were classified as peripheral osteoma based on clinical and radiographic findings. Four masses were treated with excisional biopsy that consisted of wide excision (rostral maxillectomy) [n=1] and 3 had marginal excisions (en bloc resection) [n=3]. Two of the masses were debulked with subsequent biopsy. There was no indication of recurrence in the cases with excisional biopsy and minimal progression in the cases that had lesions debulked > 5.5-months following surgery.
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13 articles.