1. Bicycle Health, Boston, MA, USA
2. Department of Medicine, Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge, MA, USA
3. Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Objectives: Telehealth treatment with medication for opioid use disorder (teleMOUD) was made possible with regulations following the COVID-19 pandemic that permitted prescribing buprenorphine without an in-person visit. This study evaluates the self-reported outcomes of patients treated by teleMOUD using the Brief Addiction Monitor (BAM), a 17-question tool that assesses drug use, cravings, physical and psychological health, and psychosocial factors to produce 3 subset scores: substance use, risk factors, and protective factors. Methods: Patients treated by a teleMOUD provider group operating in >30 states were asked to complete an app-based version of BAM at enrollment and at 1 month. Patients who completed both assessments between June 2022 and March 2023 were included. Results: A total of 2556 patients completed an enrollment BAM and 1447 completed both assessments. Mean number of days from baseline BAM to follow-up was 26.7 days. Changes were significantly different across most questions. The substance use subscale decreased from mean 2.6 to 0.8 ( P < .001), the risk factors subscale decreased from mean 10.3 to 7.5 ( P < .001), and the protective factors subscale increased from mean 14.3 to 15.0. ( P < .001). Substance use and risk factor subscale changes were significant across all sex and age groups, while protective factors subscale did not improve for those <25 and >54 years. Patient reports of at least 1 day of illegal use or misuse decreased, including marijuana (28.1% vs 9.0%), cocaine/crack (3.9% vs 2.6%), and opioids (49.8% vs 10.5%). Conclusions: Among patients treated by teleMOUD who completed assessments at enrollment and 1 month, there was improvement in drug use, risk factor, and protective factor scores.
national institutes of health