1. Sports Medicine and Movement Laboratory, School of Kinesiology, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA
2. Department of Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Technology, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA
Background: A majority of softball literature focuses on the mechanics associated with pain and injury within a single pitch type per study; however, the generalizability of these findings is unknown since a kinematic comparison has yet to be performed between pitch types. Understanding kinematic differences between pitch types can be used to identify risk factors for injury, improve safety guidelines, and improve performance by linking specific mechanics with desired pitch outcomes. Hypothesis/Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare kinematics between the fastball, changeup, curveball, and dropball pitch types in collegiate softball pitchers. It was hypothesized that there would be significant kinematic differences between pitch types. Study Design: Descriptive laboratory study. Methods: A total of 28 female collegiate softball pitchers pitched 3 trials of each pitch type to a catcher at regulation distance. Pitch speed, stride length, trunk extension, trunk rotation, trunk lateral flexion, elbow flexion, and center of mass for each trial were calculated using an electromagnetic motion capture system and were averaged for analysis. A 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to investigate pitch speed differences between the 4 pitch types. A 4 (pitch type) × 5 (event) within-athlete multivariate ANOVA was also used to determine kinematic differences. Results: The results revealed a significant difference in pitch speed between pitch types; a pitch type main effect for trunk extension, trunk rotation, trunk lateral flexion, and center of mass; and an event main effect for all variables except stride length. The results also revealed a pitch type by event interaction for trunk flexion, trunk lateral flexion, and center of mass. Specifically, the dropball type had less trunk extension than the fastball at all pitching events. Similarly, the curveball type had a more posteriorly shifted center of mass than the dropball at the last 3 pitching events of foot contact, ball release and follow-through. Conclusion: Significant kinematic differences exist between pitch types, but these differences may be necessary to execute desired pitch outcomes. Clinical Relevance: This is the first study to analyze kinematic differences between pitch types in softball pitchers. Understanding the effects of different pitch types on kinematic parameters may enhance injury prevention and performance strategies for softball pitchers.
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
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6 articles.