1. Thuongmai University, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
2. Viet Nam Institute of Economic, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Scientific research is the important task of lecturers in universities. However, university lecturers often struggle to balance research and teaching and focus more on teaching than research. In addition, the motivation for lecturers to do research is a little. This article surveys lecturers at some universities in Vietnam to find the factors that motivate lecturers to do science. The motivating factors include intrinsic factors (creativity, passion…), extrinsic factors (financial, promotion ..), and barriers to the scientific research activities of lecturers. Research results show that intrinsic and extrinsic factors positively impact the scientific research activities of lecturers, and the barrier factors negatively affect the research activities of lectures. Based on the research results, the authors make some suggestions to strengthen further the research activities of lecturers at universities in Vietnam.