This paper is an introduction to a topic that most health professionals are likely to encounter at some time in their career. It has been derived from a review of the relevant literature and from work with people with cerebral palsy who challenge services. Challenging behaviour is relatively common among people with learning disabilities, particularly when the learning disability is severe in nature. It also occurs, although less frequently, in other groups where there may be severe physical disability involving deficits in social and expressive language skills or additional sensory impairment. There are potentially serious consequences for the person who displays challenging behaviour, not least of which are the possibilities of limited learning experiences and social isolation. Unless the behaviour of people displaying challenging behaviour is properly understood and addressed, it will be difficult to involve them in structured activities. Their quality of life will, as a consequence, be seriously impaired. For those who self-abuse causing repeated physical injury to themselves, there may be permanent physical damage and disfigurement. Understanding challenging behaviour is the first step to a recognition that all people, regardless of disability, have a right to be included in the structure of mainstream society.
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