1. The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Multicentre Studies Group Investigators
2. Critical Care and Pulmonary Physician, Director of Intensive Care Research, Austin & Repatriation Hospital, Melbourne.
3. Critical Care Unit, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide.
4. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane.
5. Intensive Care Unit, Liverpool Hospital, Sydney (currently Staff Specialist in the Intensive Care Unit at The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne).
6. Specialist. Intensive Care Unit, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth.
7. Senior Staff Specialist, Intensive Therapy Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney.
8. Intensivist, Department of Critical Care, Auckland Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.
9. Staff Intensivist, Intensive Care Unit, Gold Coast Hospital, Surfers Paradise.
10. Director, Division of Critical Care, St George Hospital, Sydney.