Although a growing number of organizations now focus on the developmental aspect of their performance management practices to improve their effectiveness, little research has been conducted so far on these practices and their outcomes. To deepen our understanding of this phenomenon, we undertook a scoping review on development-oriented performance management practices (DOPMPs) within the employee development and performance management literatures. After mapping the literature on these topics, synthesizing their outcomes, and factors for implementation, we identified research gaps and proposed research avenues. Our review suggests that most of the literature on DOPMPs comes from the grey literature, that most practices are used for performance execution, but more attention needs to be given to strategic planning. By structuring the current knowledge on this topic, this review encourages researchers to produce new knowledge about DOPMPs, their synergies, and their outcomes through a systems approach.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture