1. Department of Counseling and Human Services, Institute for Autism Research, Canisius University, Buffalo, NY, USA
Embeddedness is a construct with potential explanatory power in studies of student persistence, retention, and success. The goal of this study was to address a need for a brief embeddedness measure for use in small college undergraduate environments. Three measures of embeddedness were developed: an initial 43-item scale, a reduced 35-item scale, and a final brief 12-item version of the scale. A total of 450 undergraduate students at a small private liberal arts college were included in the study. Internal consistency reliability was assessed with both McDonald's omega and Cronbach's alpha, test–retest reliability was observed over a one-year period, factor analysis was used in item analysis, structural validity was examined with confirmatory factor analysis, and criterion-related validity was assessed with convergent and discriminant validity correlations. The results provide acceptable initial estimates of reliability and validity.
National Science Foundation