1. School of Education, California State University, Chico, CA, USA
Considering the positive association of a sense of belonging to educational outcomes and lack of Hmong American educational research, this study sought to explore their success stories, sense of belonging, and challenges they surmounted to complete college. Participants identified as Hmong, were 18 years or older, and obtained their bachelor's degree between 2020 and 2022 from a California State University or University of California. The research employed a sequential mixed methods design that included a survey and follow-up interviews. Utilizing grounded theoretical and constant comparative analysis, four interrelated domains of student support that helped to improve Hmong student retention and completion were found: self, relationships, academic and nonacademic. We call this a dynamic, ecological model of support. For successful students, as one domain lacked support, other domain(s) offered increased levels to compensate, increasing the likelihood of retention and completion. Implications for institutions of higher education are discussed.