A potent mix: older people, transitions, practice development and research


Cheek Julianne1


1. Atlantis Medical College, Oslo, Norway,


The discussion to follow reflects on aspects of findings from research spanning more than a decade focusing on the substantive area of transitions in the care and support needs of older people. Rather than being a report of any of the individual research projects per se, some key issues that have emerged in these studies, and what they might mean for aspects of clinical practice development, are discussed. The aim is to encourage us to take time out to think about what otherwise may be assumed or unexplored understandings of aspects of both clinical practice itself, and how to develop that clinical practice with respect to older people and the transitions they undergo. Three areas of reflection form the focus of the paper. They are around creating a dynamic, contextualised and active research programme able to assist clinical development and practice; capturing and working with the complexity that is a transition; and questioning how independent some of the older people living in the community who participated in the research actually are. Implications for how services and supports are thought about and configured are highlighted throughout. Reflecting on research in this way is an essential part of taking time to care, and can assist in the development of thoughtful and optimal clinical practice.


SAGE Publications


Research and Theory

Cited by 5 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. ‘There was no preamble’: Comparing the Transition from Hospital to Home in Different Care Settings;Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement;2020-11-16

2. Risk factors for acute care hospital readmission in persons aged 60 and over from western countries: a systematic review protocol;JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports;2014-02

3. Lived experiences and challenges of older surgical patients during hospitalization for cancer: An ethnographic fieldwork;International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being;2014-01

4. Points of Hesitation;International Review of Qualitative Research;2011-08

5. Moving on: Researching, Surviving, and Thriving in the Evidence-Saturated World of Health Care;Qualitative Health Research;2011-02-11








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