1. Gynaecology Unit, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Downs Road, Sutton, SM2 5PT, UK
2. The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
3. Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
4. Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, Bath, UK
5. Department of Medical Oncology, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, New Zealand
6. Medical Oncology, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Northwood, UK
7. Radiology, The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
8. Histopathology, The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
9. A.C. Camargo Cancer Center, Oncologia Clinica, São Paulo, Brazil
10. The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
11. Gynaecology Unit, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
12. UCL Cancer Institute, University College London, London, UK
13. The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, UK