1. McLeod Addictive Disease Center, Charlotte, NC
2. University of North Carolina at Charlotte
This study explores the link between alcohol and drugs and robbery-based homicide victimization within the context of routine activities theory. Using 2001-2005 homicide and toxicology data from Trinidad and Tobago, the study considers the general context of robbery-related homicides by identifying common place, victim, offender, and time characteristics. Next, the study examines whether victims of robbery-based homicides were more or less likely to be using alcohol and/or drugs at the time of death than victims of domestic and “street” homicides. The results indicate that robbery-related homicide victims were less likely to test positive for alcohol or be intoxicated and were significantly less likely to test positive for marijuana and cocaine than victims of street homicides. Nevertheless, when considered within a broader context, Trinidad and Tobago robbery-based homicide victims test positive at higher rates for marijuana (13.6%), compared with homicide victims in other locations (6%). The results of this study suggest a firm link between victim substance use and homicide victimization in Trinidad and Tobago, which could help explain escalating violence levels in the country.
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6 articles.