1. ACAPS (2017) Historical Review - Rohingya Influx since 1978. Thematic report, 12 December. Available at: https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/historical-review-rohingya-influx-1978.
2. Non-state initiatives on enhancing counter-trafficking of Rohingya influx in Cox's Bazar of Bangladesh
3. Amnesty International (2015) Deadly Journeys: The Refugee and Trafficking Crisis in South East Asia. Report, 21 October. London: Amnesty International. Available at: https://www.amnesty.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Amnesty-Report-2015-The-Refugee-and-Trafficking-Crisis-in-Southeast-Asia.pdf.
4. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) (2017) Preliminary Report of Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2016. Report, 01 October. Available at: https://catalog.ihsn.org/index.php/catalog/7399/related_materials.
5. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) (2018) Labour Force Survey 2016-2017. Report, January. Dhaka: RDP Section, FA & MIS, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Available at: https://mccibd.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Labour-Force-Survey-2016-17.pdf.