A Frame Response to the European Commission Consultation on the Draft Report on Alternative (Non-animal) Methods for Cosmetics Testing: Current Status and Future Prospects — 2010


Balls Michael1,Clothier Richard1


1. Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME), Nottingham, UK


This response on behalf of FRAME to the European Commission's consultation on the five chapters of the Draft Report on Alternative (Non-animal) Methods for Cosmetics Testing: Current Status and Future Prospects — 2010, is via a Comment in ATLA, rather than via the template supplied by the Commission. This is principally so that a number of general points about cosmetic ingredient testing can be made. It is concluded that the five draft chapters do not provide a credible basis for the Commission's forthcoming report to the European Parliament and the European Council on the five cosmetic ingredient safety issues for which the 7th Amendment to the Cosmetic Directive's ban on animal testing was postponed until 2013. This is mainly because there is insufficient focus in the draft chapters on the specific nature of cosmetic ingredients, their uses, their local effects and metabolism at their sites of application, and, in particular, on whether their possible absorption into the body would be likely to lead to their accumulation in target sites at levels approaching Thresholds of Toxicological Concern. Meanwhile, there continues to be uncertainty about how the provisions of the Cosmetics Directive should be applied, given the requirements of the REACH system and directives concerned with the safety of other chemicals and products.


SAGE Publications


Medical Laboratory Technology,Toxicology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine

Reference21 articles.

1. Anon. (2004). Guidance Document on the Demarcation between the Cosmetic Products Directive 76/768 and the Medical Products Directive 2001/83 as agreed between the Commission Services and the Competent Authorities of the Member States. 11pp. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission.

2. Innervated human corneal equivalents as in vitro models for nerve‐target cell interactions

3. The development of an innervated epithelial barrier model using a human corneal cell line and ND7/23 sensory neurons








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