1. ECVAM, Institute for Health & Consumer Protection, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
2. IRAS, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
3. LACDR, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
4. Laboratorie de Physiopathologie de la Barrière Hemato-Encéphalique, Unité Mixte EA 2465 Université d'Artois–Institut Pasteur de Lille, Faculté des Sciences Jean Perrin, Lens, France
5. Expertrådet ECB, Sundbyberg, Sweden
6. Department of Neurochemistry and Neurotoxicology, Stockholm University, Sweden
7. Institut für Biochemie, Universität Münster, Germany
8. Biovitrum AB, Stockholm, Sweden
9. Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London, UK
10. Medical School, University of Tampere, Finland