Imaging Dementing Illnesses


Huckman M.S.1


1. Rush University Medical Center; Chicago, Illinois, USA


Dementia is an impairment of mental ability representing a decline from that level previously reached by the individual. It is usually of insidious onset, associated with neurologic changes, and results in the inability to appropriately interact with one's environment. Dementias may be static, progressive, or reversible, and have many etiologies. One percent of the population above age 40 suffers from dementia and this figure rises to 7% above age 80 and 50% above age 90. Forty-five percent of dementias are due to Alzheimer disease (AD) followed closely by vascular dementia. A stage along the way to dementia is mild cognitive impairment (MCI). There are various definitions but the simplest ones refer to a person who has some memory problems but can continue to live independently. A more specific description refers to deficits in two or more areas of cognition >1.5 SD below mean for the individuals age and education. Although previously considered a part of normal aging, a recent study has shown MCI to be a precursor of Alzheimer disease1. In a cohort of nuns and priests studied annually until they developed MCI or dementia and died. 180 brains in this study have already been autopsied (37 MCI, 60 with no impairment, 53 with dementia). Pathologists measured theamount of AD pathology and cerebral infarcts. Of 37 with MCI, more than half had AD by pathology, 1/3 had infarcts (5 with both) and 14 did not have either pathology. One third of the 180 with average age of 85 had no cognitive decline! Since this study showed MCI patients to have Alzheimer disease pathology in their brains, recognition of MCI clinically is important for institution of therapy, although there has not yet been an effective therapy developed.


SAGE Publications


Neurology (clinical),Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging,General Medicine







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