1. University of Pavia, Italy
2. Leiden University, Netherlands
This article analyses the thorniest issues raised by the implementation in the Netherlands of Framework Decision 2008/947/JHA, often referred to as ‘European Probation Order’. It delves into Dutch law and practice regarding mutual recognition of probation measures and alternative sanctions and analyses how the Netherlands deals with principled questions with respect to the legitimacy of the transfer of probationers, both as a mechanism in itself and with respect to the ultimate goal of promoting social rehabilitation. The analysis focuses on (i) the basic tenets of the Dutch implementation (goals, competent authorities and application in Dutch legal practice); (ii) challenging issues regarding the types of probation measures and alternative sanctions eligible for recognition and the implementation of refusal grounds and (iii) how procedural rights and informed consent of the sentenced person are dealt with in relation to social rehabilitation.
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2. Bordered penality in the Netherlands: The experiences of foreign national prisoners and prison officers in a crimmigration prison