Psychological Services to support probation in Northern Ireland and Malta


Avellino Chantal1ORCID,O’Hare Geraldine2,Scicluna Sandra3


1. Department of Psychology, University of Malta, Msida, Malta

2. Department of Psychology, Probation Board for Northern Ireland, Belfast, UK

3. Department of Criminology, University of Malta, Msida, Malta


Two Probation Services, the Probation Board for N. Ireland and the Department of Probation and Parole in Malta, that directly employ Psychologists, have come together to write this article, describing how psychological services have been developed over the years to support and add value to the work of Probation services. This article will describe the development of the two services, the psychological assessments and the interventions they deliver, that enhance the work carried out by probation officers. The benefits of this specialist role within the wider justice system will also be considered. The authors will highlight key principles of good practice and the learning for probation services for the future.


SAGE Publications



Reference39 articles.

1. Avellino C, Sammut Henwood K (2017a) Cognitive Skills Programme (CSP). Unpublished Cognitive Behavioural therapy intervention manual for working with offenders.

2. Avellino C, Sammut Henwood K (2017b) Community-based Sex Offender Intervention Programme. Unpublished Cognitive Behavioural therapy intervention manual for working with sexual offenders.

3. Avellino C, Sammut Henwood K (2018) Exploring Personality Disorder in Relation to Offending Behaviour in: 32nd European Federation of Psychology Students. Malta: Associations Congress, p. 22.

4. Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability (2005) A Strategic Framework for Adult Mental Health Services. Belfast: DHSSPS. Available at:







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