1. Department of Orthopedagogics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, Republic of South Africa
Structural problems in mental health services conjoined with attitudinal barriers are the cause of inadequate mental health care in South Africa. However, the major reason for the failure of psychology to address the needs of the majority lies in training deficiencies. In spite of the potential cost benefits of psychotherapy and prevention by way of counselling and educative interventions, psychologists are not perceived or employed as primary members of mental health teams. In schools they are rapidly losing ground. The profession is disempowered to position itself strategically to become a significant roleplayer in the ‘new’ South Africa. Affirmative action for psychology is needed. Ways in which the state may help are suggested, including the creation of more posts and training opportunities in health care settings, as well as use of the school as a locus for health and mental health care delivery. The author concludes with a call to the profession to get its own house in order by way of self-regenerating actions in the areas of training, addressing political and cross-cultural issues, and service delivery.
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7 articles.