1. Graduate School of Business Administration, University of the Witwatersrand, 1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg 2001, Republic of South Africa
Can psychology make a contribution to the resolution of conflicts disturbing our society? What is its status as a science today? Numerous specialities have developed, not all equally well founded scientifically. There has been a shift from a mechanistic to a system-theoretical model of behaviour. The theorems of general psychology are now seen to be reflecting western cultural values and circumstances. We need to search for value-free and culture-free universals, as well as recognize the need for culture-specific constructs. Politically motivated action research is acceptable, provided it does not bias empirical research procedures or declare certain topics taboo, e.g., genetic explanations. Our society needs research into values, aggression, and violence but psychology can be more immediately useful by concentrating on short-term studies of cross-cultural attitude measurement, conflict management, media censorship, leadership development, and early-learning programmes for environmentally disadvantaged children.
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