1. University of Zambia, Box 50110, Lusaka, Zambia
Korotkov's name is justly attached to the arterial sounds but it was Krylov who described their variations as phases. Ettinger added a fourth phase and denoted the lower region in which sounds are absent, as well as the boundary between, as a fifth. Thus strictly ‘Korotkov phase 4’ and ‘Korotkov phase 5’ are incorrectly attributed. Further, the variable meaning of ‘phase’ has been perpetuated so that numbering it gives a false impression of precision. Aside from the, unambiguous, systolic pressure, we could better refer to ‘pressures at muffling or at disappearance of sounds’ and indicate which of them is measured - by the use of two strokes in recording readings, e.g. as 180/120/ mmHg or 180//110 mmHg respectively. Better still would be to measure routinely all 3 relevant acoustic divisions of the occluding pressure; and record in the form 180/120/110 mmHg for the example given.