Pharmacogenomics in Pain Management: A Review of Relevant Gene-Drug Associations and Clinical Considerations


Brandl Emily1ORCID,Halford Zachery2ORCID,Clark Matthew D.3,Herndon Chris45


1. Memphis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Memphis, TN, USA

2. Union University College of Pharmacy, Jackson, TN, USA

3. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

4. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy, Edwardsville, IL, USA

5. St Louis University School of Medicine, MO, USA


Objective: To provide an overview of clinical recommendations regarding genomic medicine relating to pain management and opioid use disorder. Data Sources: A literature review was conducted using the search terms pain management, pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenetics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and opioids on PubMed (inception to February 1, 2021), CINAHL (2016 through February 1, 2021), and EMBASE (inception through February 1, 2021). Study Selection and Data Extraction: All relevant clinical trials, review articles, package inserts, and guidelines evaluating applicable pharmacogenotypes were considered for inclusion. Data Synthesis: More than 300 Food and Drug Administration–approved medications contain pharmacogenomic information in their labeling. Genetic variability may alter the therapeutic effects of commonly prescribed pain medications. Pharmacogenomic-guided therapy continues to gain traction in clinical practice, but a multitude of barriers to widespread pharmacogenomic implementation exist. Relevance to Patient Care and Clinical Practice: Pain is notoriously difficult to treat given the need to balance safety and efficacy when selecting pharmacotherapy. Pharmacogenomic data can help optimize outcomes for patients with pain. With improved technological advances, more affordable testing, and a better understanding of genomic variants resulting in treatment disparities, pharmacogenomics continues to gain popularity. Unfortunately, despite these and other advancements, pharmacogenomic testing and implementation remain underutilized and misunderstood in clinical care, in part because of a lack of health care professionals trained in assessing and implementing test results. Conclusions: A one-size-fits-all approach to pain management is inadequate and outdated. With increasing genomic data and pharmacogenomic understanding, patient-specific genomic testing offers a comprehensive and personalized treatment alternative worthy of additional research and consideration.


SAGE Publications


Pharmacology (medical)







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