1. ErkovaL.N., ChechikO.S., Latexes. Leningrad: Khimiia, 1983, 224 pp.
2. EliseevaV.I., IvanchevS.S., KuchanovS.I., LebedevA.V., Emulsion polymerisation and its use in industry. Moscow: Khimiia, 1976, 240 pp.
3. KirpichnikovP.A., Averko-AntonovichL.A., Averko-AntonovichYu.O., Synthetic rubber chemistry and technology. Leningrad: Khimiia, 1987, 424 pp.
4. BashkatovT.V., ZhigalinYa.L., Synthetic rubber technology. Leningrad: Khimiia, 1987, 360 pp.
5. Averko-AntonovichYu.A., Omel'chenkoR. Ya., OkhotinaN.A., Ebich[sic]Yu.R., Technology of rubber products: A manual for further education colleges. Ed. by KirpichnikovP.A. Leningrad: Khimiia, 1991, 352 pp.