1. K. Charlie Lakin is Senior Scientist} Center fir Residential and Community Services and Director of Research and Infinnation Services, Minnesota University Wliated Program, University of Minnesota. Dr. Lakin has a PhD in educational psychology and has been active in research and writing on pgrams and policies affecting persons with developmental disabilities.
2. Bradley K. Hill is Rrsociate Director, Center for Residential and Community Services, University of Minnesota. Mr. Hill has a master's degree in educational psychology. He has published extensively on residential services for people with developmental disabilities.
3. Robert H. Bruininks is Director, Center for Residential and Community Services and the Minnesota University @listed Pmgram, University of Minnesota. Dr. Bruininks has a PhD in educational psychology fmm Peabody College for Teachers, Vanderbilt University. He has been active in research and writing on residential seruices and assessment of people with developmental disabilities.