1. Hilda Borko is associate professor of curriculum and instruction at the University of Maryland. Her primary research interests are in learning to teach and the differences in the thought processes and instructional strategies of expert and novice teachers. She is coprincipal investigator of a research project funded by the National Science Foundation, entitled “Learning to Teach Mathematics: The Evolution of Novice Teachers Instructional Decisions and Actions.”
2. Carol Livingston is assistant professor of education at the Cutholic University of America in Washington, DC. She recently served as research coordinator for the National Education Association's Mastery in Learning Project, a national school renewal project. Her research interests include learning to teach, teacher reflection, and faculty collaboration and decision making.
3. Richard J. Shavelson is dean of the Graduate School of Education and professor of educational psychology in the Department of Education at Uniuersity of California, Santa Barbara. His research covers such areas as education and military manpower, research methodology, and cognitive aspects of teaching and learning. He is past president of the American Educational Research Association. Address: Hilda Borko, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Marylund, College Park, MD 20742.