1. Douglas Biklen is a professor of special education in the School of Education and director of the Division of Special Education and Rehabilitation at Syracuse University. He has published widely on issues related to inclusive education. Among his most recent books are Achieving the Complete School (1985) and Schooling and Disability (1989), coauthored with Dianne Ferguson and Alison Ford. He is a member of the executive board of The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps.
2. Annegret Schubert is a speech/ language pathologist in the Syracuse City School District. She has worked for over a decade with students with autism and related pervasive developmental disabilities. She has used the method of facilitated communication with elementary school students and has previously written on the use of alternative communication methods with students classified as autistic. Address: Douglas Biklen, Division of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY...