1. Richard J. Sawyer received his PhD in special education from the University of Maryland and is currently senior research and evaluation officer at the Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC. His research and evaluation interests focus on education for students with disabilities and at-risk students, as well as school health education. He has conducted instructional intervention research, as well as program and policy evaluation in special education. He is currently engaged in evaluating the...
2. Margaret J. McLaughlin received her PhD in education from the University of Virginia and is currently the associate director of the Institute for the Study of Exceptional Children and Youth at the University of Maryland/College Park. She has a long history in special education and has directed a number of research and evaluation efforts related to special education policy and practice. She currently directs the national Center for Policy Options in Special Education.
3. Marianne Winglee received her MS in statistics from George Washington University and is a statistician at Westat, Inc. Her research and writing interests include education policy, literacy, and survey sampling. Address: Richard J. Sawyer, Academy for Educational Development, 1255 23rd St. NW, Washington, DC 20037.