1. James E. Ysseldyke is a professor of educational psychology and coordinator of the School Psychology Program at the University of Minnesota. He has been a special education teacher and school psychologist. Dr. Ysseldyke received his PhD from the University of Illinois. His research and teaching focus on development of appropriate instructional interventions for handicapped students.
2. Patrick J. O'Sullivan is a school psychologist in Colchester, Vermont. He completed the PhD in school psychology at the University of Minnesota. His research and writing focus on preschool assessment and instructional improvement.
3. Martha L. Thurlow is assistant to the director, Instructional Alternatives Project and Minnesota University Affiliated Program. The focus of her research is on instructional decision making for students with mild handicaps at the preschool and elementary school levels, and on factors related to the postschool experiences of youth with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities.
4. Sandra L. Christenson is assistant professor of educational psychology at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Christenson conducts research on instructional interventions and home and family interventions for elementary mildly handicapped students. She is co-author of The Instructional Environment Scale (TIES).