1. Queen's University Belfast, UK
This article explores how post-war documentary film-makers negotiated complex social, formal, and autobiographical issues associated with representing mental illness and its treatments, and the extent to which their respective approaches helped to challenge conventional attitudes to alternative psychotherapies – especially within the context of advances in new documentary film-making technologies, alongside a wider culture of social activism. Focussing on A Look at Madness ( Regard sur la folie; Mario Ruspoli, 1962 , France) and Now Do You Get It Why I Am Crying? ( Begrijpt u nu waarom ik huil?; Louis van Gasteren, 1969 , Netherlands), the article discusses how the collaborative, democratic aims of cinéma direct coincided with the ethos of institutional psychotherapy, and compares this with the relations between the documentary form and the subject of LSD-assisted psychotherapeutic techniques in Van Gasteren's film.
History and Philosophy of Science,History
Reference62 articles.
1. Agosti S., Bellocchio M., Petraglia S., Rulli S., directors (1975) Nessuno o tutti – Matti da slegare [Mad People to Untie] [Film]. 11 Marzo Cinematografica/Assessorato Provinciale alla Sanità di Parma.
2. Framing and Staging Madness in the Ethico-aesthetic Paradigm: How Witold Gombrowicz's Operetka Expresses Nicolas Philibert's La moindre des choses
3. Barrère I., director (1977) La Borde ou le droit à la folie [La Borde, or the Right to Be Mad] [Film]. TF1/L’INA.