Navigating digital inclusion and the digital vā among Niue mamatua through the provision of mobile phones during COVID-19


Matenga-Ikihele (Te Whānau-ā-ApanuiNiue) Amio12ORCID,Fa’alau Fuafiva3ORCID,Dobson Rosie4,Fa’alili-Fidow Jacinta1,Roberts Mary1,Taufa Seini1,Tuesday Ruby1,Whitakker Robyn45,McCool Judith2


1. Moana Connect, New Zealand

2. Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, New Zealand

3. Pacific Health Section, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, New Zealand

4. National Institute for Health Innovation, University of Auckland, New Zealand

5. i3 Institute for Innovation + Improvement, Waitematā District Health Board, New Zealand


Technology and digital platforms have become essential for people and communities to interact because of COVID-19. Despite its benefits, digital exclusion disproportionately affects Pacific communities living in New Zealand. This article provides insights into how Niue mamatua (older adults) used their gifted mobile phones and mobile data as part of a COVID-19 digital inclusion initiative. It begins with an overview of the digital inclusion needs of older adults, followed by a description of the digital vā (relational space) and negotiating a new way of maintaining connection in an online world. The tutala (a Niue method of conversation anchored on respect) with 12 mamatua highlighted the benefits, support factors, and challenges of how they were able to use their mobile phone. Importantly, mobile phones provided the necessary access and connectivity to interact in a digitally connected world, namely the digital vā, when in-person connections were disrupted because of COVID-19.


SAGE Publications


History,Anthropology,Cultural Studies

Reference30 articles.

1. The Benefits of Social Technology Use Among Older Adults Are Mediated by Reduced Loneliness

2. Citizens Advice Bureau. (2020). Face to face with digital exclusion: A CAB spotlight report into the impacts of digital public services on inclusion and wellbeing.

3. Digital inclusion through mobile phones?: A comparison between mobile-only and computer users in internet access, skills and use







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