1. Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Can the teaching approach “communicative language teaching” support Māori language teachers teaching te reo Māori (the Māori language) in English medium schools? Given that, in the absence of a high level of inter-generational transmission, and more than two-thirds of Māori school children attend schools in which the primary language of instruction is English, the ultimate fate of the language rests, to some extent at least, with the success of instructed language learning. This article will discuss and support the notion of adopting characteristics of communicative language teaching as a supportive teaching tool for language teachers. This article will also introduce a number of “focus points” derived from the review of a range of literature sources specific to the analysis of language lessons and relevant literature on the teaching and learning of second or additional languages and will provide anecdotal illustrations from lessons observed. Finally, this article will suggest some useful recommendations for already heavily burdened Indigenous language teachers.
History,Anthropology,Cultural Studies