1. District Census Handbook (2011) Available at: https://censusindia.gov.in/census.website/data/handbooks
2. Patterns of Population Growth in Peri-Urban Accra, Ghana
3. Draft NCR Plan 2041. Available at: https://ncrpbgis.nic.in/NCR/map.aspx
4. Draft Regional Plan-2041, NCR. Available at: https://ncrpb.nic.in/pdf_files/DraftRegionalPlan-2041_English.pdf
5. Dupont V (2005) Peri Urban Dynamics: Population, Habitat and Environment on Peripheries of Large Indian Metropolises: An Introduction. CHS Occasional Paper N 14/Functional Plan on Transport for National Capital Region-2032. Available at: https://ncrpb.nic.in/pdf_files/FunctionalPlanonTransportforNCR.pdf