Costing a major hospital outbreak of gastroenteritis due to Norovirus (Norwalk-like virus)


RPD Cooke1,SV Goddard1,J Golland2


1. Department of Infection Prevention and Control, District General Hospital, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 2UD

2. Department of Finance, District General Hospital, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 2UD


O utbreaks of Norovirus infection in hospitals are common, but the financial impact is often poorly defined. Following a major outbreak, we propose a simple costing system. The key cost drivers identified were: 1. Lost bed days (LBDs) and cancelled elective surgical operations. The cost of an occupied or closed bed was £204 per day; 2. The period of staff sickness, estimated at an average of four days. Staff costs were estimated at £79.45 per day; 3. The employment of additional nurses; 4. Environmental cleaning (£200 per ward); 5. Additional microbiology costs (£8.27 per sample); 6. Ward consumable costs, estimated at £5 per ward per day. The outbreak involved 16 wards, affecting 139 patients and 124 staff (mainly nurses) over a two week period. LBDs due to inpatient sickness amounted to £85,068. Lost days due to staff sickness cost £39,407. 150 cancelled surgical operations equates with 525 LBDs, costing £107,100. The cost of employing additional nursing staff was £41,465. Further costs included £3,200 for 16 ‘deep cleans', £560 for ward consumables, £1,150 for microbiology specimens and £1,165 for additional infection control hours. The total cost of the outbreak was estimated at £279,115. The costing model described quickly identified key financial pressures and could be applicable to other Norovirus outbreaks.


SAGE Publications


Advanced and Specialised Nursing

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