Foraminifera, climatic change, and pollution: a study of late Holocene sediments in Drammensfiord, southeast Norway


Alve Elisabeth1


1. Department of Geology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo 3, Norway


Benthic foraminifera are shown to reflect both natural (including climatic) and human- induced environmental alterations over the last 1500 years in Drammensfjord, Norway. Today, Drammensfjord is a 124 m deep, partly anoxic, hyposaline basin (salinity <32%o) separated from the adjoining Oslo Fjord by a sill at 10 m water depth. It has been affected by human-induced organic pollution for more than a century. Based on major faunal trends, sediment characteristics and concentrations of plant fragments and pollen grains, four environmental zones are distinguished. The faunal composition of zones 1-3 (before AD 500 to about AD 1850) reflects the natural environmental development from a period with frequent deep water renewals and diverse, calcareous dominated assemblages, to periods with increasing river flow which impeded effective deep water renewals, and gave rise to agglutinated assemblages of low diversity. Increasing human-induced organic flux over the last 130-140 years has elevated the redox cline. The general faunal responses as represented by zone 4 are: 1) development from agglutinated assemblages of zone 3 via assemblages dominated by Spiroplectammina biformis or Stainforthia fusiformis to the present anoxic, afaunal conditions, and 2) strongly increasing foraminiferal abundance with maximum values just prior to the afaunal intervals. The approach has considerable potential for differentiating the effects of pollution from the natural 'background'.


SAGE Publications


Paleontology,Earth-Surface Processes,Ecology,Archaeology,Global and Planetary Change

Reference57 articles.

1. Alsaker-Nøstedahl, H. 1988: Tiltaksplan mot forurensning i Drammenselva og Drammensfjorden. Fylkesmannen i Buskerud, Miljøvernavdelingen. Rapport nr. 19, (42 pp.).

2. Alve, E. 1990: Variations in estuarine foraminiferal biofacies with diminishing oxygen conditions in Drammensfjord, southeast Norway. In Hemleben, C., Scott, D.B. , Kaminski, M. and Kuhnt, W., editors, Palaeoecology, biostratigraphy, palaeoceanography, and taxonomy of agglutinated foraminifera, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 661-94.

3. Estuarine foraminiferal distribution in Sandebukta, a branch of the Oslo Fjord

4. Main features of foraminiferal distribution reflecting estuarine hydrography in Oslo Fjord

5. Baalsrud, K. 1961: Undersøkelse av forurensningen i Dramselva i 1959 . Norsk institutt for vannforskning, Blindern, (63 pp.). English summary.







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