Morphometric characteristics of charcoal produced from plants native to the southeastern United States of America (USA)


Vachula Richard S1ORCID,Cullen Thomas M1,Galinger Matthew R1,Welch J Conner1,Battaglia Jeremiah1,Smith Dallyn2,Waters Matthew N3


1. Department of Geosciences, Auburn University, USA

2. Department of Chemistry, Savannah State University, USA

3. Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Auburn University, USA


Charcoal shape variations provide insight into past fuel types burned, with charcoal length:width (L:W) being the most popular means of distinguishing fuel types. This paper presents morphometric data (L:W) of charcoal produced from plant taxa (n = 21) native to the southeastern United States of America (USA). These taxa included monocots (n = 3), dicots (n = 12), and gymnosperms (n = 6), which represented a range of growth habits including graminoids, trees, shrubs, and subshrubs. We further divided these taxa into tissues (n = 36 total samples) which included leaves, wood, bark, needles, stems, and a seed pod. Our results show that charcoal produced from plants native to southeastern USA exhibits more variable L:W values than those tested in previous research, but that when aggregated, they broadly agree with published L:W value ranges. Within the dicot group, leaves produced charcoal lower L:W values (median = 1.92, interquartile range (IQR) = 1.33) than wood (median = 2.43, IQR = 3.00), whereas the opposite was true for gymnosperms whose needles produced greater L:W values (median = 2.60, IQR = 3.22) than wood (median = 1.93, IQR = 1.44). The monocot graminoid we tested produced greater L:W values (median = 3.47, IQR = 6.02) than dicot or gymnosperm fuels. Further, our results provide conflicting perspectives on the likelihood of evolutionary relationships as the cause of variations in charcoal L:W values. Last, our results underscore the importance of site-specific experimental charcoal approaches to enable robust paleofire applications of charcoal morphometry.


SAGE Publications







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