1. Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology Study Group of the Korean Society of Pathologists, Korea.
Eleven cases of primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the bone collected from several institutes in Seoul, Korea were histologically and immunologically reclassified accord ing to U.S. National Cancer Institute working formulation, and the results were com pared with those in Western countries and in one Asian country (Japan). No significant differences were found in sex or in the distribution of primary lymphomas of bone between Korea, Japan, or the Western countries. Six cases previously diagnosed as "histiocytic lymphoma" were reclassified as diffuse large cell type lymphoma according to the working formulation. Two cases were diffuse small cell type and three cases were diffuse mixed small and large cell type. B cell immunophenotype was shown in 10 of 11 cases and T cell type was exhibited in 1 case. Patients with stage IE tumors had a better prognosis than those with stage IV. Histologic grade according to the U.S. National Cancer Institute working formulation correlated with clinical stage. A tendency towards better prognosis with lower grade tumors was possible but not statistically significant. Int J Surg Pathol 2(3):187-192, 1995
Pathology and Forensic Medicine,Surgery,Anatomy