1. All Self-Employed Military Cadres in Sichuan 四川全体自主择业军转干部 (2018) “四川全体自主择业军转干部请求按中发 [2001]3号和国转联 [2001]8号文件给予住房保障” (All self-employed military cadres in Sichuan province demand the housing benefits guaranteed in the Zhongfa [2001] No. 3 and Guozhuanlian [2001] No. 8 documents). Public letter downloaded from a veteran QQ group 退役人 on March 21, 2018.
2. Beijing Bureau of Civil Affairs 北京市民政局 (1986) “北京市民政局关于采取有效措施, 优先安置‘两山’参战和立功的退伍军人情况报告(民[1986]安1号)” (Beijing Bureau of Civil Affairs’ report on taking effective measures to prioritize the resettlement of Vietnam veterans from the “Two Mountains” battle) (Min [1986] An no. 1). 北大法宝. http://www.pkulaw.cn/fulltext_form.aspx?Gid=48101.
3. Taxation without Representation: Peasants, the Central and the Local States in Reform China
4. Institutional Reform and the Bianzhi System in China
5. CAO ZHI 曹智, WU WEIZHENG 武卫政, and DI QIYUN 翟启运 (2000) “胡锦涛在全国军队转业干部安置工作会议上强调千方百计安排好使用好军转干部” (Hu Jintao emphasized at the annual National Working Conference on the Placement of Demobilized Military Cadres that we should make every effort to place such cadres). 人民日报, May 10.