1. “Appendix: some ideas regarding current literary and artistic work (revised draft)” 附录: 关于当前文学艺术工作的意见 (修正草案) (1968) Pp. 425–45 in Southwest Normal University “Spring Thunder” Rebel Corps “Soar in the Clouds,” 1968.
2. Chen Yi 陈毅 (1980) “在全国话剧、歌剧、儿童剧创作座谈会上的讲话” (Speech at the National Modern Drama, Opera, and Children’s Theater Creation Conference). Pp. 54–111 in Enlai Zhou 周恩来 and Yi Chen 陈毅, 周恩来陈毅论文艺 (Chen Yi and Zhou Enlai on literature and art). Zhengzhou: 河南人民出版社.
3. “China Medical University and the Museum of Chinese Art construction completion check materials” 中国医科大学、中国美术馆工程竣工验收资料 (1963) Beijing Municipal Archive, Jan. 1, 1963–Dec. 31, 1963, 047-001-00367.