1. AALC (Association of the Struggle for Chinese as an Official Language Movement) 爭取中文成為法定語文運動聯會 (1970) “給政府的公開信” (Open letter to the government). The 70’s Biweekly, 13: 2.
2. AI XIA 愛霞 (1970) “為什麼” (Why?). The 70’s Biweekly, 6: 3.
3. AU CHI-KIN 區志堅, SHUMIN PENG 彭淑敏, and SIXING CAI 蔡思行 (2011) 改變香港歷史的六十篇文獻 (The sixty documents that changed the history of Hong Kong). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co.
4. BHABHA HOMI K. (1994) The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.
5. CHAN YIN 陳言 (1971) “中文成為「法定」語文的歸趨” (Chinese becomes the “official” language). The 70’s Biweekly, 17: 3.